Black Oak Ranch

Rockcastle County , Kentucky
6.83 to 11.27 acres

Black Oak Ranch is located 15 miles northeast of the quaint town of Mt. Vernon, KY. This rural property is also within a short driving distance of bigger cities like London, Somerset and Richmond as well as attractions such as the gorgeous Daniel Boone National Forest. This makes it especially beneficial to future landowners who want both the quiet privacy of the rolling countryside, but also being close to the many conveniences of a larger city.

Property Map

Tracts and Pricing

Tract Details
1 9.11 Sold Sold
2 7.72 Sold Sold
3 7.54 Sold Sold
4 11.27 Sold Sold
5 6.83 Sold Sold
6 7.06 Sold Sold
7 9.71 Sold Sold
8 9.67 Sold Sold
9 7.01 Sold Sold
10 7.85 Sold Sold

Property Features:

• Great recreational land at an unbeatable price and conveniently located just a few minutes from HWY 75
• Timber is a nice mix of hardwoods and cedar thickets providing food and bedding for deer
• Great deer, turkey and small game hunting available
• Property is located within 25 minutes of the town of Mt. Vernon with plenty of amenities

The unspoiled land, clean air, and mild climate make Chestnut Oak Ridge a true landowner’s dream. Our no-hassle, guaranteed financing make this the perfect opportunity for you to own a small slice of the beautiful state of Kentucky.


All Property Plans Include:

20% discount for cash buyers!
Payment date flexibility
Low closing costs!
No Credit Check

Property Video Tour

Property Map


Important Documents:

Black Oak Ranch Covenants
Black Oak Ranch Survey
Black Oak Ranch Coordinates

Location & Utilities:

This scenic property is approximately 15 miles northeast of Mt. Vernon, Kentucky, 55 miles south of Lexington, Kentucky, and 125 miles southeast of Louisville, Kentucky.


Elevation & Weather:

Zoning & Taxes: